What is Inexperienced?

All the way up until uni, I led a pretty boring life. I was shy and risk averse, so I never explored very far out of my comfort zone. I was scared of failure, opting to do something perfectly or not do it at all. It was detrimental to my development, and I missed out on …

4WD Camping Day 1

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being invited along on a 4WD camping trip with a few of my mates. Traditionally, I've never been massive on the outdoors, so I saw this as a valuable chance to learn more about the great outdoors (plus it was a great opportunity to participate in the great …


I always wanted to go skydiving, jumping out of a plane through the clouds was always one of my action hero dreams, ever since I saw Keanu Reeves jump out of that plane in Point Break. It was always on the bucket list, but it wasn't something I was going to just seek out. Sometime last …

Editing a Video

Similarly to recording footage, the next step - editing - is a lot harder than I first expected. Finding a program First up, you have to find a program to edit it with. Surely, there's an open source, free video editor out there somewhere? I couldn't find one (but I didn't look very hard). VideoLAN Movie …

Contextual Essay

Below is a link to the contextual essay I wrote as part of my BCM112 subject. It details some of the context and development behind Inexperienced, as well as the role convergent media played in the creation of the project. It was a fun project, and I hope to continue working on it in the future. Contextual Essay  

Fixing a Computer

Years ago, I decided that I wanted to get my own computer. My family had a communal laptop my brother and I hogged to play Starcraft (now free), but with my parents transitioning to the digital age, it was required for business. I wanted a PC I could use for my upcoming HSC, and I …